How to maintain state in core

 ASP.NET Core applications are inherently stateless, meaning information isn't automatically carried over between requests. However, there are several techniques to manage state in your application:

Built-in Options:

  • Session State: This is a popular choice for storing user-specific data across their browsing session (e.g., shopping cart items, authentication state). It uses a server-side store and a cookie on the client to identify the session.

    • Setup: Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session package and configure app.UseSession() in your Startup.cs file.
    • Usage: Access the session through HttpContext.Session property in your controllers. Use methods like SetString, GetInt32 to store and retrieve data.
  • TempData: This is useful for temporary data that needs to survive just one redirect or postback. It's automatically cleared after being accessed.

    • Usage: Access TempData in controllers and views. Use methods like TempData["Key"] = "Value" to store and string message = TempData["Key"] as string to retrieve.

Other Techniques:

  • Cookies: You can store small amounts of data directly on the client-side using cookies. However, cookies have security considerations and size limitations.
  • Hidden Fields: Include hidden form fields in your views to pass data between requests. This approach is simple but can clutter views and isn't ideal for large amounts of data.
  • Client-side Storage: Utilize browser storage options like LocalStorage or SessionStorage to manage state on the client. This keeps the server stateless but requires additional security measures.

Choosing the Right Approach:

  • Session State: Great for user-specific data across a session.
  • TempData: Ideal for short-lived data needed for a single redirect.
  • Cookies: Suitable for small amounts of non-sensitive data.
  • Hidden Fields/Client Storage: Consider these for specific scenarios, keeping security in mind.

Additional Tips:

  • Minimize state: Strive for a stateless architecture whenever possible. It improves scalability and maintainability.
  • Database: For persistent data that needs to survive beyond a session, consider storing it in a database.

Remember, the best approach depends on your specific needs. Explore the documentation for Session and TempData for detailed usage examples.


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