What is rest api

A REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and conventions for building and interacting with web services. It is based on the principles of REST, which include using standard HTTP methods and working with resources in a stateless manner.

Here's a simple example of a REST API:

Suppose you have a web service for managing a collection of books. You could define various RESTful endpoints like:

1. **GET /books**: This endpoint retrieves a list of all books.
2. **GET /books/{id}**: This endpoint retrieves details about a specific book by its ID.
3. **POST /books**: This endpoint creates a new book by sending a JSON object in the request body.
4. **PUT /books/{id}**: This endpoint updates the details of a specific book by its ID.
5. **DELETE /books/{id}**: This endpoint deletes a specific book by its ID.

For example, if you want to retrieve information about a book with an ID of 123, you would make a GET request to `https://example.com/books/123`.

If you want to create a new book, you would make a POST request to `https://example.com/books` with the book details in the request body.

REST APIs use HTTP status codes to indicate the outcome of the request, such as 200 for a successful response, 201 for resource creation, 404 for not found, and so on.

These are just the basic principles of REST APIs. In practice, APIs can become much more complex, offering a wide range of functionality and interacting with various data resources.


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