Attribute-based routing in web api

Attribute-based routing is a feature in ASP.NET Web API (and ASP.NET Core MVC) that allows developers to define routes directly on controller actions or methods using attributes, rather than configuring routes in a centralized routing table. This approach enables developers to have more fine-grained control over routing, making the codebase more organized and easier to maintain.

By decorating controller actions or methods with attributes like `[Route]`, `[HttpGet]`, `[HttpPost]`, `[HttpPut]`, `[HttpDelete]`, etc., developers can specify the HTTP method and route template for each action, directly within the controller itself. This approach simplifies routing configuration and makes it more intuitive, especially for RESTful APIs where HTTP methods have specific meanings.

For example, in ASP.NET Core MVC, you can define routes like this:

public class ProductsController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetAllProducts()
        // Logic to retrieve all products

    public IActionResult GetProductById(int id)
        // Logic to retrieve product by id

    public IActionResult CreateProduct([FromBody] Product product)
        // Logic to create a new product

    public IActionResult UpdateProduct(int id, [FromBody] Product product)
        // Logic to update an existing product

    public IActionResult DeleteProduct(int id)
        // Logic to delete a product

In this example, `[Route("api/[controller]")]` specifies that all routes for this controller will start with `/api/` followed by the controller name (`ProductsController`). `[HttpGet]`, `[HttpPost]`, `[HttpPut]`, and `[HttpDelete]` attributes define the HTTP methods supported by each action, along with route templates specified within `{}` to capture route parameters, such as `{id}` in the `GetProductById`, `UpdateProduct`, and `DeleteProduct` methods.


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